Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Overall Learning Experience

Learning Experience
Image from

My last blog for my English 102 class is a reflection of how I have grown throughout the course as a writer and a thinker. I took a look back to all the blogs I have done and I can see a big difference. Writing blogs is something I never thought I would do. Starting from the design and the font, to the title it was a learning experience. I have learned how to better put my ideas together and become a better writer and my skills have expanded from blog 1 to blog 15. It is interesting how my vocabulary have grown and expanded giving me the advantage to write longer paragraphs. The ability to connect the text with other sources such as my own experience and other texts has made my blogs more comprehensible to the public. Some descriptions that best describe my blogs are:
The blog entries
• organize the writer’s ideas around a main point.
• connect the texts with other texts in the packet, texts outside class, or personal experience
• are written in a clear, easy-to-read style

The writer
• selects graphics and multimedia to enhance the blog's visual appeal
• writes in an appealing style that reflects her/his personality
• stimulates class dialogue by extending the discussion in new directions

My online writing experience for this semester has been very productive. It has helped me write faster and accurate. It also, has helped me enhance my vocabulary by learning more synonyms and correcting my words with spelling checks. The experience of writing online helps me to organize my ideas before putting it in writing, giving me the advantage to erase and rewrite more efficiently. By writing blog entries my abilities as a writer have improve greatly, just the simple fact that I know other people are going to look at it makes me bring out the best of me. Now every time I write I try to make it perfect and understandable so that my message and ideas get across more easily.  Just as I like my classmate and professor to read my blogs, I also like to do the same with their blogs. Reading other people’s blogs give me the opportunity to provide and receive feedbacks and to realize that I share common ideas with other people. Therefore, I very often read other’s students online work. I believe that other member of the class have often read my blogs. I have received many feedback and suggestion that have helped me to change and improve my work.
The first lesson I will be taking away from this class and the most important is that I have improve my writing skills significantly. I had also learned how to blog and post my ideas online to receive feedbacks from others. Everything we have discussed is basically what a student would want to learn from his/her English class and the professor has explain in depth every topic and assignment. A memorable moment in class was the Much Ado Jeopardy game. We had fun and enjoyed it; the anxiety of being called to answer the question and answers it right for our team was pretty exciting and rewarding. My recommendation to a student who plans to take this class next semester is to read the books, write and submit all his/her blogs on time and take advantage of all the extra credit the professor may give to the class.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the detailed reflection! The Jeopardy game is a very popular activity...I will keep it.
